‘As I Was, Not As I Am’
Director’s Statement
KT Burns - Director
Rocky Horror is such a complicated show with a rich history and is often regarded as THE cult classic. The tradition of Shadowcasts has become something so much bigger than the movie itself and so many queer people and people who feel like outcasts have found their place in this community.
I happen to be one of those people, and over the last few years Rocky has grown to mean a lot to me. Now I am a junior at The College of Charleston, but I started my Rocky journey freshman year as the costume designer. My actors will tell you I say this to everyone, but almost all my best friends were made through Rocky that year and I have been absolutely in love with the show ever since. It has given me a home here in Charleston, taught me about being an actor, designer, person, and friend. I even credit Rocky with helping me realize that I'm queer, as well as find enough comfort and safety within the community to come out.
I hope everyone in the show and everyone watching the show knows they too are now part of this beautiful Rocky Horror family, and can feel like they have a home amongst us gay outcast weirdos. To me, art and self expression is about catharsis, being able to express and feel your emotions wholly in a way that is true and authentic and Rocky is the absolute perfect example of it.
I am so proud of this cast, crew, and show and I want to thank them for joining me on the crazy ride we took to get here. I love you all! Enjoy the show, and, like Dr. Frank says, “give yourself over to absolute pleasure”; Feel free to fully be yourself here and experience the pure joy of this incredibly special show and tradition.
- KT Burns